(Rockum)-Hello Mike, Could you give us a brief history of the band ?
This band started around 98 we’ve had a few line up changes.But as soon as we got this line up together we’ve been touring ever since and got a few record deals.
Could you describe your music to someone who has never heard it before ?
Its just heavy high energy rock music. With a live show to match.
Is there any story behind the album´s title "Apologize for Nothing" ?
It’s the attitude we naturally carried while making the album, mostly cause we had to
We know the lyrics was written by the band ..... Where do you come up with the ideas for some of the lyrics you write ? Insanity

Which bands are the considered the music influences of the band ? There is 5 different people in the band so it varies. But here is a list, Pink Floyd, Guns N Roses, Anthrax ,Peaches
What has been your favorite CD of the year so far ? Avenge Sevenfold
How does it feel when you hear the words " I like your music " ? Its great that’s what you’ve got to hear. That’s why we do this.
Could you describe a live Bobaflex's show for those of us in Latinamerica who haven´t seen you yet ? Very high energy over the top show. We go all out every show ,we have people jumping in the crowd, spitting 30 feet in the air and catching all kinds of nice pretty things

What were your impressions when you played in the Megadeth´s Gigantour ? It was great we got to travel all of North America and Canada had to offer. And to do so with bands like megadeth, Anthrax, Dry Kill Logic, and Life of Agony it made for some really good times.
Any interesting stories of the road ? I don’t know about interesting but we just got $30,000 worth of equipment stolen which was great fun.
Do you know something about LAtinamerica metal scene ? I’m starting to actually it seems to be thriving.
What are the future plans for Bobaflex? A lot of touring and releasing our single in the near future and hopefully will be performing in Latin America soon.
Do you have any messages for the ROCKUM readers ? Buy the cd you will love it and thanks for the support.
Thank you.
Thank you too
Mike Steele